Medical stethoscope on orange background. Health care concept

Get Your Check Up! (And Examine Your Marketing Plan Too)

With the end of the year approaching like a runaway freight train, a lot of us are scrambling to schedule our end of year physicals with our primary care physicians. If you are like us, you are most likely dreading it. Blood work on an empty stomach, ice cold EKG monitors on your naked chest, and don’t forget the virtual impossible task of
peeing into a TINY cup.

At the beginning of the year, you probably had the best intentions… plans that you could confidently and somewhat smugly hop on the scale having lost a few pounds, thereby putting both the LDL and HDL firmly in their prospective places. Being the Marketing Mavens that we are, scheduling your end of the year Medical Physical brings us to another thought, have you and shouldn’t you schedule your Marketing Physical?

A Marketing Physical is important for your overall brand health and can also identify if you are making potentially costly mistakes. We recommend that we perform this service for our clients at least once a year. Here are some tips to think about.

EXAMINE your Surroundings

First, we recommend you look at the world around you. If you are brick and mortar, did a competitor move in a stone’s throw away from you? What has changed? What new challenges have revealed themselves this past year? What have your marketing messages been this last year? Have you been consistently communicating?


Goals are a specific set of objectives that you hope to achieve. Also do not confuse goals with tactics, which is how you will go about achieving them.

Goal Guidelines

  • Do not be vague. Nail down the specifics
  • Do not be open ended. Assign a timeline to achieve each goal
  • Measure Your Progress. Define how will you measure that progress?
  • Be Realistic. Ruling the World is not a good goal. Increase Social Media Followers by 10 percent is a good goal.
  • Next the Marketing Plan

End of the year is a perfect time to really examine your plan. The best plans are consistently striving however, they also recognize when they need to revise and regroup. It doesn’t mean chasing after a bunch of short term goals and abandoning the
long view. However, markets conditions and circumstances change. Also, internally your company may change. These are precisely the reasons why you have to willing to lake an objective hard look at yourself.

Marketing Plan End of Year Physical

  • Do you have a marketing plan?
  • Does your marketing plan include Goals?
  • Does your marketing plan need to be updated?
  • Does your marketing plan make sense?
  • Is your marketing plan working?

For some more information on how to approach your Marketing, check out our page!  We’re not doctors, but we can give your marketing efforts a thorough physical. We can’t promise that it won’t be invasive, but we promise not to make you wear that humiliating paper gown.