Before Persuasion Marketing came to be, Our Chief Creative Officer was a Senior Writer and Associate Creative Director on the Toyota National and Honda Retail Accounts.

Toyota introduced its first true GEN X car. A campaign was built around the idea of poking fun, in a very over the top way, at the idea of “subliminal advertising”. It was a tongue and cheek, sarcastic spoof. This campaign won multiple awards and was executed in TV, print, and outdoor.
Honda created the ALPHA Group to generate creative for regional dealers that was closely aligned with the national branding efforts. TV REEL available on request.
Print, Copywriting
A Word from Our Client
Leisa helped get this place going. Applying her stellar writing skills to whatever assignment was thrown at her. And in spite of impossible time-lines, the late hours and the sheer stress of just trying to stay one step ahead of it all, she kept her cool, her optimism and her wonderful sense of humor.
Jon Yarbrough
Executive Creative Director, Rubin Postaer, Alpha Group